JMU College of Business – Renovation and Expansion


The James Madison University College of Business construction project included a 216,763 square foot renovation and expansion. The existing Zane Showker Hall is being renovated (87,400 GSF) and a new 129,363 square foot state-of-the-art facility is being added. The project includes new and refurbished classrooms, problem-based classrooms, informal student gathering areas, an expanded capital markets lab, space for JMU’s award-winning, industry-leading digital marketing program, cutting-edge technology, reserved space for recruiters, and a tutoring laboratory. Campus steam is utilized to produce heating hot water, as well as domestic hot water. The unique design of the showcase atrium and staircase required a dedicated smoke evacuation system for the building core.

RBI installation work included:

  • Water-cooled chillers and cooling towers to serve the indoor air handlers and multiple air terminal boxes throughout the building
  • Hot water fin tube radiation throughout the building to temper the high-glass areas around the perimeter of the new structure
  • Upgraded rooftop custom air handling unit and terminal units

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