Employee Spotlight – Brooklyn Roach

Employee Spotlight: Brooklyn Roach, Plumbing & HVAC Welder

Happy Women’s Equality Day! We are so proud to highlight our female trade workers and champion their success in a field that is gaining more female workers every day.

One of our Plumbing & HVAC Welders, Brooklyn, encourages any women looking to enter a male-dominated field to “go for it if it’s what you wanna do – you’ll regret it if you don’t. Don’t give up if you try a certain company and it doesn’t fit, keep looking because there are so many good companies that want female trade workers.”

Thank you to the women at RBI who are forging the path for the future of females in our industry.


How did you become interested in welding?
I became interested in welding through the AG program at my high school. My AG teacher, Mr. Jones, showed us one day and i immediately took interest in it.


When considering welding as a career, were you concerned about it being a male-dominated job role?
A part of me was a little worried with it being a male dominated field but I knew it wouldn’t be anything I couldn’t handle since I grew up with multiple brothers.


A lot of women assume there are no job opportunities for them in the construction industry, what would you say to those women?
There are definitely a lot of job opportunities for women in the construction industry, you just have to know which companies support women working in the field.


What advice would you give to a female considering a career in the trades?
I would say go for it if it’s what you wanna do because you’ll regret it if you don’t and don’t give up if you try a certain company and it doesn’t fit, keep looking because there’s so many good companies that want female trade workers.


What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love that I’m getting to do what I love every day and getting to learn so much more about the trade.