Seeking a new opportunity for employment in the Lynchburg, VA area?
Come see us Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at the 2018 Spring Job Fair located at the Bedford Campus of Central Virginia Community College in Bedford, VA from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, to discuss new opportunities!
RBI participates in 2018 Military Expo
RBI participated in the 2018 Military Expo, May 14, 2018, in Winchester, VA!
RBI hosts Buffalo Gap High School students
Riddleberger Brothers had the opportunity to host a group of students from Buffalo Gap High School.
RBI “Safety” Lunch caps off National Safety Week
Riddleberger Brothers, Inc. capped off National Safety Week with a “Safety Lunch” for all employees
Safety Day held at RBI as part of National Safety Week
Riddleberger Brothers, Inc. held a “Safety Day” as part of our National Safety Week (May 7th-11th) activities
RBI kicks off National Safety Week!
Riddleberger Brothers, Inc. is kicking off National Safety Week (May 7th-11th) by giving back to the community.
RBI participates in MTC Business Job Fair
RBI participated in the MTC Business Job Fair last week, April 26, 2018, in Harrisonburg, VA!
Triplett Tech Career Fair
RBI participated in the Triplett Tech Career Fair in Mt. Jackson, VA
April Safety Champion
The Safety Champion for the month of April is Timothy Payne.
April Site Tour
April’s site tour was at Green Bay Packaging.
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